App overview:The "My Way" application was designed by the Roads and Bridges Maintenance Fund in Aden. The idea of the application came fromThe urgent need for an effective and easy way that enables fellow citizens to inform the authorities responsible for damage to roads and bridges so that they can be repairedwithin the shortest possible time.The "My Way" application is a unique quantum leap and a distinguished step by the fund to benefit from technologyModern and dedicated to speeding up the pace of work and increasing the effectiveness of the communications system because it is the first application in Yemen that allows the brothersCitizens report road problems via an integrated electronic application.The user of the application can send the road damage that he wants to report, by specifying a locationThe broken road using the positioning service, attaching pictures of the road, and determining the type and description of the problemThe problem is followed up by the technical support of the Roads and Bridges Maintenance Fund, which enhances the effectiveness and speed of qualitative intervention throughThe Roads and Bridges Maintenance Fund, according to the reports received by users of the road network, to treat existing damages in order to preserve roadssound and safe.Determine the type of problem:When you try to send a complaint, you will notice a box to choose the type of problem from urgent notification, dangerous road damage, etcis the difference?Choose an urgent report if you think that the problem is very urgent and requires that we give it priority because it is presentedPeoples lives are at risk and they cant afford to wait until their turn arrives.•Choose dangerous road damages if you think the problem is important, but not urgent, such as communications problemsurgent.